Association Vahatra

The goal of Association Vahatra is to develop an educational and research program focused on the biodiversity of the fauna of Madagascar and the advancement of Malagasy scientists trained in the latest techniques in conservation biology.

  • Expand knowledge on the biodiversity and natural history of Madagascar.

  • Advance future generations of Malagasy scientists.

  • Assist with the exchange of scientific information and experiences between national and international specialists.

  • Reinforce environment and conservation based collaborations between national and international institutions and NGOs.

  • Advance knowledge associated with environmental impact studies and to follow aspects of the evolution of the island’s natural landscapes.

  • Provide solid scientific advice to managers of natural resources and protected areas.

Jacquis (holding greenish pencil and looking up) during a field school in Ambohitantely and explaining to students the manner to install and obtain data from vegetational plots (from Vahatra 2023 Annual Report)


Women’s and Children’s Health Project


Reforestation Corridor